Monday, January 14, 2019

Three Variations of the Deadlift Exercise

The recipient of a doctor of medicine (MD) from Loyola University, Dr. Jeffrey A. Jacoby is an experienced spine surgeon who has worked with the Orthopedic Institute of Wisconsin since 2017. When he isn't caring for patients, Jeffrey A. Jacoby, MD, likes to keep fit through yoga and weight training. One of the first lifts those starting out in weight training learn is the deadlift.

The deadlift is a great exercise for people of all fitness levels, but you can injure yourself if your technique or form is not correct. Below are three proper deadlift variations:

1. Conventional deadlift - The best technique for beginners, the conventional deadlift involves bending at the hips and gripping a barbell with your hands positioned just outside of your feet, which should be in line with your hips. You then lift the barbell upwards and straighten your stance while keeping your back flat. This motion targets the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and forearms, among other muscle groups.

2. Sumo deadlift - In a wide stance similar to that of a sumo wrestler, bend at the hips with your hands evenly spaced between your feet and slowly lift up and straighten your back. This stance allows you to lift heavier loads than the conventional deadlift.

3. Block deadlift - By elevating the barbell on blocks, rack pins, or plates, your range of motion is reduced, thus allowing you to lift more weight and challenge your nervous system.